S23E05 Tegridy Farms Halloween Special
What you are seeing here are original knots which were joining the main pieces of the kufu boat.
- knot
- 紐 / 結び目 / 絆 (a marriage knot)
- tie the knot (結婚する)
- KNOT | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
The cedar timbers of the boat's hull were lashed together with hemp rope
- cedar
- 杉 (a cedar grove: 杉の森)
- cedar timber: 杉の木材
- Cedar | Definition of Cedar by Merriam-Webster
- hull
- lash together
- lash together - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
- tied with
- lashed together with a rope
- hemp
- 麻 / 大麻
- ヘンプとは何か? マリファナとは違う「麻」の有効活用で広がる産業
- hempは麻の中でもTHC含有量が少ない麻のことを指すらしい
- HEMP | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Sarcophagus and mummified remains of Egyptian royalty.
- sarcophagus
- サルコファガス、(古代ギリシャエジプトの装飾が施された古代の棺)石棺
- 遊戯王でよく見るやつね
- SARCOPHAGUS | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
- mummified
- mummify
- ミイラ化して死体を保存する
- MUMMIFIED | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
I cant let her problems with marijuana drag me down anymore.
- drag someone down
- 足を引っ張る / がっかりさせる
- DRAG SB DOWN | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Furniture polish, paint thinner, and bleach. Ammonia and antifreeze one tablespoon each.
Shelley's Brew - South Park - "Tegridy Farms Halloween Special" - s23e05
So with this eldritch potion, and these ancient words, I make my revenge upon all the turds.
- eldritch
- strange and frightening
- 気味の悪い / この世のものとは思えない
- ELDRITCH | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
- revenge upon
- make a revenge on: 復讐する
- turd
- クソ / カス
- shitとの違いは?
- Urban Dictionary: Turd
The mummy says you two got in some kind of altercation last night.
- altercation
- a loud argument or disagreement:
- 激しい口論
- ALTERCATION | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Now, I don't want to see any fucking sombreros! ... There will be no HOBOS or BUMS, anything depicting people from low-income households. And lastly, heed my fucking words, if I see any of you girls dressed as fucking Moana, I am gonna lose my fucking mind!
ハロウィンの仮装についてのレギュレーションについて説明するPC Principal、他人種を模倣するようなコスプレは文化を踏みにじることになりうるのでやめろとキレ気味に説明する
- sombreros
- メキシコでよく見る、カウボーイハットみたいな帽子
- SOMBRERO | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
- 浮浪者(働きながら方々を渡り歩いた渡り鳥労働者)
- Urban Dictionary: hobo
- ホーボー - Wikipedia
- ホームレス/浮浪者
- Urban Dictionary: bum
- HOBOS は BUMS よりも労働意欲がある
- heed
- 心に留める、留意する
- HEED | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.
I just think maybe a night in jail is the wake-up call that she needs.
- wake-up-call
- (今まで気づいていなかった自らの過ちなどに)気付くための警鐘(?)
- WAKE-UP CALL | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
- WAKE-UP CALL | 英語よろずや日記(仮)
Wow, we're almost out, Rnady. I gotta go to the barn and get some more! - Okay, I'll hold down the fort.
- barn
- 納屋/物置
- hold (down) the fort
- 留守番する / 留守の間に責任を持つ
- HOLD (DOWN) THE FORT | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
S23E06 Season Finale
When I look out on this congregation, I can't help but think "There's not a whole lot of people here." Doesn't seem like a big deal. Nobody's outraged because it was our family.
- congregation
Duddy is in police custody until there's a hearing.
- hearing
- custody
- 親権の意味の他に、police custody で警察に一時的に身柄を拘束される、留置場の意味
- https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/police-custody
Did you tell everyone you didn't do anything wrong?... Well, did you then go on the attack, and swap the accusations, to make yourself a victim? Oh, geez, DARVO, Randy -- deny, attack, reverse victim and offender. Alright, let's role play.
- Acronym of “Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender”
The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender. This occurs, for instance, when an actually guilty perpetrator assumes the role of "falsely accused" and attacks the accuser's credibility and blames the accuser of being the perpetrator of a false accusation.
- What is DARVO?
Look, I', sorry if you don'y want to talk about it, but have you thought about what you might do if Randy gets put away? - Yeah, I've kind of made a list of all the things I might do.
- put away
Maybe this is your wake-up call that you've been abusing drugs, and you need to face all your wrong-doings, try to turn your life around.
- turn something around
The President of the United States today called the allegations against Randy Marsh "total butt○ucking bullshit" and claims the neighbors who came forward with the evidence video are "Te○pon Faced ○9ing whistleblowers"
- allegation
- (法律) 証拠の少ない主張
- ALLEGATION | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
- whistleblowers