S23E05 Tegridy Farms Halloween Special southpark.cc.com ハロウィン回 What you are seeing here are original knots which were joining the main pieces of the kufu boat. 古代エジプトの博物館の職員による解説 knot 紐 / 結び目 / 絆 (a marriage kn…
S23E03 SHOTS! southpark.cc.com anti-vaccine に対する風刺がメイン? Vaccines: Low trust in vaccination 'a global crisis' - BBC News Eric, it's just a little prick 予防接種の注射を嫌がるカートマン prick ちょっとちくっとする PRICK | meaning in…
S23E01 Mexican Joker southpark.cc.com アメリカのメキシコからの不法移民の子供を収容するdetention center(少年院)で、移民の子どもたちが刑務所のような過酷な仕打ちを受けているという社会問題に焦点を当てている。 ちょうどJokerが流行ったタイミング…
S22E08 Buddha Box southpark.cc.com https://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s22e08-buddha-box より I want to be enlightened like the Buddha, but I've got these fucking kids. enlightened Enlightened | Definition of Enlightened by Lexico 悟り…
Season22Episode6と7はManBearPigとAlGoreの話 S22E06 Time To Get Cereal southpark.cc.com Of course it's a school shooting. It's cut and dry. Let's just get this over with so I can go home. season22になってからschool shootingが毎話のように起…
S22E03 The Problem with a Poo southpark.cc.com She believes it is time that we all as a school finally discussed in vitro fertilization PC校長との間に子供ができたことを頑なに認めようとしないStrong Woman 副校長 in vitro fertilization (IVF) …