

SOUTH PARK S23E07 S23E08 (英語学習メモ)

S23E07 Board Girls


最近よく話題になるF2Mによる女性向け競技会への出場に関する話。サウスパークジェンダー論の話が結構多いので勉強になるな。 The Cissy - Full Episode - Season 18 - Ep 03 | South Park Studios もめちゃ良かった。




https://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s23e07-board-girls 2週間前に性自認が女性だとして女性競技会に乗り込んできたヘザー

I'm gonna smoke competition

週末にある女性アスリートのためのスポーツ大会に向けて追い込むStrong Woman

No, because Mulan is a female that identifies as male and yet the movie doesn't take the time to address real trans issues. - Ok, Ok! we know "Mulan" is outdated in creating straw dog characters to talk about trans issues.

Disney+ を見ていた PC babies、ムーランが流れ始めて(political incorrectな面があったのか)泣き始める

ムーラン見たことないのだけれど、トランスに関して political incorrect な描写が含まれてたりするのだろうか

We've really come a long way breaking down gender binary bigotry, and I hope I can especially inspire some of my girl students here or those who identify as girls.


trans以外にも自分の性自認がどちらのgender binaryにも属していない人のことをnon-binary genderという


She is not exactly your average trans athlete. - Well, what is average trans athlete. Honestly I find that kind of bigoted, David.

It is unfair, it is tyrannous, and it is wrong. Ever since these girls were allowed to join Dice Studz Gamers Club, it has been a train wreck.


Well, if you want something hard, then you need a really crunchy Euro game, something like a Vital Lacerda's "Escape Plan," or a Uwe Rosenburg euro. - Do they involve math? - Well, all euros are pretty mathy.


I don't know why she has such a grudge against you but ...

テレビ取材に出てまでStrong Womanにつっかかってくるヘザーに対して

Because you went through puberty as a male so your body is completely different.


Since they were born we've taught them to accept and fight for those who are marginalized, that there's no grey area when it comes to inclusion and acceptance.

they とは PC babies のこと。上の発言(Because you went through puberty as a male so your body is completely different)をテレビの前でヘザーに対してしたことにより、PC babiesに顔向けできないというPC principal

Ok, so then let's do it bitch - Oh it's on!!!




They realize that raising a gender-based issue of strength doesn't necessarily make one a bigot or a bully. All this time, we were worried what the PC babies would think


  • 競技の2週間前に女性としての性を辞任したとして女性競技に乗り込み、あらゆる賞をかっさらっていったヘザーに対して、育ってきた性による筋肉量などの違いにおける不公平性を議論に持ち出したPC principal
  • その不公平性を論ずることは gender based bigot や bully ではないというニュアンスをPC babies が理解してくれるか不安がっていたが、PC babiesはそのnuanceも理解してくれたとのこと


S23E08 Turd Buglers



All of us have trillions of microscopic critters that grow on and inside our bodies

We do this with a fecal transplant. We'll get a donor's feces, mix it with water, and put it up your mom's anus.

Kyleの母の感染症を治すため、善玉菌を体内で育てる。そのためにfecal transplantを行うと説明する医師。

You're looking chipper today.



No I did it myself with a turkey baster.

(Kyle母のfeceを盗んで)自分でFecal Transplantを行ったというBradley夫人、Turkey basterを使って。

  • turkey baster
    • 七面鳥などに肉汁をかけなおすための大きなスポイト
    • 人工授精の道具としても使うらしい(?)

Two face b*tch, you know what she said about you at lunch? - What? - She called you the C-word.


Someone in this school is a little turd burglar, and I want some answers. - How can we answer that to which we have no knowledge?

Girls this was all my fault. I think I got a little carried away bragging about my fecal transplant.

carried away bragging about my fecal transplant: 我を忘れてfecal transplantの良さを吹聴しまくった(からみんなDIY fecal transplantに手を出し始めたり他人の糞を盗んだり)